
Raid shadow legends accuracy calculator
Raid shadow legends accuracy calculator

The formula looks as follows: Mitigation = 0.85 * (1 – E^-DEF/1500), where “ ^“ denotes the mathematical exponentiation (in a calculator, it looks like « two stars », because in JavaScript mathematical exponentiation is indicated that way) of the numerical constant E, which is approximately ~ 2.7182. Personally, I tend to trust it and therefore in my mind it is the reference so far (although I could be wrong). It was discovered by me on Reddit (as far as I remember, the above post is not the original, but there is also a lot of useful information) a little earlier and repeatedly tested. However, there is one formula that looks the most realistic. Almost all of them are probably invented by the community of players and show roughly the same results. There are at least 3-4 variations of this formula that are walking around the net. RAID uses some kind of “ secret formula” to calculate damage reduction based on defense points. Damage reduction formulas and their rationale Using the RAID damage reduction calculator below on this page, you can see this effect as a curve on the graph. In other words, if the hero has 3000 defense, the next 100 points will give a much smaller damage reduction than the same 100 points at 2000 defense for the hero. However, the damage reduction is non-linear with respect to the defense numerical value.

raid shadow legends accuracy calculator

The more defense, the less damage the character receives.

raid shadow legends accuracy calculator

How Defense Works in RAID: Shadow Legends (+Defense Calculator) How does defense work in RAID?ĭefense in RAID is represented by the numerical value of DEF, which is present in the characteristics of each hero / boss / mob in the game.

Raid shadow legends accuracy calculator